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Web API – Trips
Updated over a week ago

List Trips

Request URL

Query parameters

  • startDate – Format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, e.g. ‘2015-01-31’ means midnight Jan 31, 2015 at your local timezone. Inclusive.

  • endDate – Format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, e.g. ‘2015-12-31’. Inclusive.

  • userEmail – Email address of a particular user to search for.

  • activity – Trip activity, e.g. ‘Business’.

  • minLastUpdated – The date when the record was modified or created. Format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’. Inclusive.

  • maxLastUpdated – The date when the record was modified or created. Format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’. Inclusive.

  • status – Approval status. Valid options are: ‘U’ – not submitted, ‘S’ – submitted, ‘A’ – approved, ‘R’ – rejected, ‘P’ – pay scheduled.


You need to provide at least one of the query parameters in the request.
The returned DateTime in the response is in the UTC time zone as in the JSON standard.


Example Return

"id": 999999,
"url": "",
"lastUpdated": "2023-09-18T19:25:29.049Z",
"user": {
"id": 000003,
"url": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"display": "User, Demo"
"vehicle": {
"id": 222222,
"url": "",
"lastUpdated": "2023-03-27T22:37:01.417Z",
"display": "2018 Default Vehicle "
"startTime": "2023-09-06T00:34:00.000Z",
"endTime": "2023-09-06T01:00:00.000Z",
"startOdometer": 618,
"endOdometer": 631,
"mileage": 13.4,
"fromLocation": {
"id": 333333,
"url": "",
"lastUpdated": "2023-04-21T19:43:00.913Z",
"display": "FW Greens",
"name": "FW Greens",
"address": "1234 N Main St, AnytownUSA, NC 12345"
"toLocation": {
"id": 444444,
"url": "",
"lastUpdated": "2023-08-02T01:13:05.783Z",
"display": "4321 Front St, AnytownUSA, NC 12345",
"name": null,
"address": "4321 Front St, AnytownUSA, NC 12345"
"activity": "Business",
"parking": 0.0,
"toll": 0.0,
"tags": null,
"notes": null,
"status": "S",
"statusUpdateTime": "2023-09-18T19:25:29.000Z",
"statusUpdatedBy": {
"id": 000002,
"url": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"display": "User, Admin"
"polyline": null,
"route": "",
"receipts": "",
"map": "",
"trackingMethod": "MagicTrip",
"updateMethod": null,
"scale": 0.0,
"lumpers": 0.0,
"perDiem": false,
"stayTimeMins": 50191

Update Trip

Request URL

Query parameters


JSON request data

Specify the fields you want to change. Leaving it out or setting to ‘null’ means no change to that field.


“tags” : String (optional),

“notes” : String (optional),

“toll” : float (optional),

“parking”: float (optional),

“scale”: float (optional),

“lumpers”: float (optional),

“activity” : String (optional) Business Personal …


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