List Users
Request URL
Query parameters
Find Single User
Request URL
Query parameters
Create User
Request URL
Query parameters
JSON request data
"firstName" : String (required),
"lastName" : String (required),
"email" : String (required),
"password" : String (optional),
"phone" : String (optional),
"dept" : String (optional),
"employeeId" : String (optional),
"isAdmin" : boolean (optional),
"isMasterAdmin" : boolean (optional),
"isDriver" : boolean (optional),
"isAccountant" : boolean (optional),
"locked" : boolean (optional),
"disabled" : boolean (optional),
"supervisorId" : Integer (optional), the field you retrieved from a previous call
"dailyMileageExemption" : int (optional),
"exemptionOnlyWeekdays" : boolean (optional),
"territory" : String (optional), 2-letter state, comma separated
Sample response
"message": "OK",
"user": {
"id": 6119,
"url": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"display": "Driver, Sample",
"firstName": "Sample",
"lastName": "Driver",
"phone": null,
"locale": "en_US",
"timeZone": null
"employeeId": null,
"dept": null,
"supervisor": null,
"admin": true,
"masterAdmin": true,
"driver": true,
"accountant": true,
"locked": false,
"disabled": false,
"dailyMileageExemption": 0.0,
"mileageRate": 0.0,
"exemptionOnlyWeekdays": false,
"driversLicenseNumber": null,
"lastSynced": null,
"appVersion": "Android v4.11.10",
"appSettings": "Android v4.11.10. Auto start:Magic. Business hours: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 3:00-21:00 Business. After hours:Personal.",
"vehicles": "",
"locations": "",
"currentLocation": "" } }
Update User
Request URL
Query parameters
JSON request data
Specify the fields you want to change. Leaving it out or setting to ‘null’ means no change to that field.
"firstName" : String (optional),
"lastName" : String (optional),
"phone" : String (optional),
"dept" : String (optional),
"employeeId" : String (optional),
"isAdmin" : boolean (optional),
"isMasterAdmin" : boolean (optional),
"isDriver" : boolean (optional),
"isAccountant" : boolean (optional),
"locked" : boolean (optional),
"disabled" : boolean (optional),
"supervisorId" : Integer (optional), the field you retrieved from a previous call
"dailyMileageExemption" : int (optional),
"exemptionOnlyWeekdays" : boolean (optional),
"territory" : String (optional), 2-letter state, comma separated