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4. Driver Training : AutoStart Options Part 2

TripLog Course 4 Part 2 AutoStart Options : TripLog Hardware

Updated over 4 months ago

TripLog Auto Start App Options

Part 2 - TripLog Beacon and TripLog Drive

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In our last video, we covered some of the built-in autostart options available in the TripLog app. In this video, we will be covering the available TripLog hardware options. In addition to our built-in app AutoStarts we also offer additional hardware devices that will give you more control over your mileage tracking. 

TripLog Beacon:
The TripLog beacon will allow you to automatically track mileage by triggering when the vehicle is turned on. When the app connects to the beacon it will automatically begin tracking mileage until the vehicle turns off. With additional features enabled by Bluetooth Low Power technology, the TripLog beacon has the ability to wake the app from closed even if the app was closed in the background. If you need to suspend tracking on off hours or non-business related driving simply unplug the Beacon. If you have multiple beacons you can set up each beacon to identify which vehicle it is plugged into. When the app connects to the different beacons that are powered on, it will trigger tracking and assign mileage to the correct vehicle.

Setting Up the Beacon:
When installing the beacon in the vehicle make sure to connect it to a port or charger that powers on and off with the vehicle. If there is not a plug like that available and the plug is powered all the time you may not get good results and may need to physically unplug the beacon to begin and end tracking.

Beacon Settings:
When you select the Beacon AutoStart it will automatically add and configure the first beacon that it sees and link it to your default vehicle.

Add Another Beacon:
To add another beacon, connect the beacon to power then you will need to manually add the additional beacons in the app under the Select TripLog Beacon Devices menu. Under the Link TripLog Beacon devices to vehicles menu to pair the newly added beacon to the correct vehicle.

Be sure not to attempt to pair them traditionally through the Bluetooth menu. If you do not see your beacon in the TripLog App try to restart the app and toggle Bluetooth off then back on. If you still do not see it try a different USB port or power source.

TripLog Drive:
The TripLog drive is our most advanced device that adds to the functionality of our TripLog Beacon. Along with the ability to trigger tracking in the assigned vehicle along with opening the app if closed in the background, we have added built-in GPS and storage. When tracking trips in real-time mode the phone will hand off GPS functionality to the TripLog Drive. If there is an issue connecting to the phone or the phone is forgotten then the Trips will track to the TripLog drive and upload when able to be connected later.

Setting up the Drive:
Like the TripLog Beacon, the preferred way to install the TripLog Drive is to find a port that powers on and off with the vehicle. Due to the GPS function being in the device the better it is located with a clear view of the sky the faster the GPS lock will occur.

First Time TripLog Drive Setup:
When you plug in the Drive to power and open the TripLog app it will configure the first Drive device it sees to the default vehicle similar to the TripLog beacon.
If you need to change the vehicle you can do so by clicking on the device selection then options button at the right of the Drive listing. You can unlink or update the vehicle selection in the menu.

Add Another TripLog Drive:
To add another Drive, connect the Drive to power then you will need to manually add the additional beacons in the app under the Select TripLog Drive Devices Menu. Click the Plus or Add button to open the add a device menu. Allow for the new drive to show up then select it and select the vehicle to be linked. The Drive has a button that lets you toggle the tracking mode. With three options, you can let the Drive use default settings based on the Business Hours or override to Blue for Business or Green Personal

Offline Mode:
The TripLog Drive offers an offline mode to allow the Drive to record trips to the drive itself and download them later. While this does not eliminate the need for the app as you will use the connection to the phone to simply download the trips. Once downloaded you can then view them in the app and they will later be synced to the web. When in offline mode to download the trips you can go to the Green Start Trip button and select the download option. Select the Connect to TripLog Drive option to connect. Choose the Start Download to initiate the download of the stored trips. The download process may vary depending on the number of trips that are available on the drive. If for any reason you do not want to track mileage in the vehicle with the TripLog Drive simply unplug the device and it will no longer trigger tracking or track offline. Be sure you remember to plug it back in.

NOTE : These Hardware Options may not be available for your Organization. Please contact your Administrator for more information.

TripLog Beacon

TripLog Beacon Explanation

TripLog Beacon is a Bluetooth Low Power USB device that triggers tracking with the TripLog App. When enabled the unique Bluetooth address will associate with the vehicle it is assigned to. When the port gets power and the Beacon connects with the app it will put the app in the Ready-to-Track mode waiting for movement over the SPEED THRESHOLD. The TIMEOUT settings comes into play as it will no longer wait for movement after the speed threshold. Once tracking starts the trip will continue to track until the Beacon is no longer powered when the vehicle turns off. If you have multiple vehicles configured with multiple beacons it will assign mileage to the configured vehicle. A note on the TripLog Beacon installation is the device should be installed in a port that has switched power and turns on and off with the vehicle to ensure the best performance. If it does not then you may need to physically unplug the beacon to end the trip. The TripLog Beacon does not need to be "paired" in the Bluetooth menu and does not occupy you Bluetooth connection that your Handsfree or Device connection needs.

TripLog Beacon Steps (How It Works)

Turn on the Vehicle and the TripLog Beacon receives power (Connects to Phone)

TripLog Beacon wakes the app if not open in the Background

TripLog Beacon Tracking in Standby (Waiting the Timeout for Movement)

Begin Driving (Exceed the Speed Threshold within the Timeout) = Start Point

Driving (As long as the TripLog Beacon is powered on Tracking continues) = Driving Route

Stop and Turn off Vehicle (Beacon disconnects) = End Point

No Beacon Power On (Buffer Period Exceeded) = Save Trip

Requirements and Settings

Required Permissions

All Included App Permissions as discussed in the Permissions Course

Location = Allow Always /Allow All the Time For the TripLog Beacon Autostart to work correctly the Location permission does need to be Allowed Always or Allowed All the Time. The OS will occasionally remind you that the app is using your location. Be sure to continue to Allow Always or All the Time

Nearby Devices or Bluetooth Access is required for the ability to monitor the bluetooth connection for the connection to the previously configured devices. This may prompt at the beginning but should also be available in the device settings.

Background Access and Battery Saver/Optimizations Background Access and Battery Optimizations need to be allowed so the app is allowed to continue to run in the background.

TripLog Beacon Settings

First Time Setup Message you may see when selecting Beacon AutoStart

TripLog Beacon Settings Menu



TripLog Beacon Default Settings and Descriptions




Select TripLog Beacon Device

The first connected Beacon will be automatically configured

List of connected and previously connected TripLog Beacon devices

Link Bluetooth Devices to Vehicles (Android Only)

Automatically Link the Default Vehicle to the first beacon

Link the vehicle setup in TripLog to determine where the mileage will be associated when automatically captured. Link Vehicles is combined in iOS under Select Devices

Speed Threshold

5 mph

Speed Threshold for triggering tracking. During the Timeout Period the app will monitor movement and begin tracking if exceeded. Android Only: There is a Start Immediately setting that will allow tracking to begin no matter the speed threshold and on bluetooth connection.

Timeout Minutes


Duration of the timer from initial Beacon connection to the end of monitoring for movement. Longer is better in most cases. If there is no movement during the timeout Movement monitoring will end. You will need to reset the connection to restart. You can reset this by toggling BT on/off or unplugging and plugging back in the beacon.

Detailed Notifications


This will determine the ability for the app to offer additional notifications to indicate trip start and stop as well as other notifications like when the app is in standby or there is no movement and the trip will end soon. You can globally control the audio cues from your phones device but this will control the majority of the notifications.

Show Edit Trip After Auto Stop

Off (Android Only Feature)

This will open the app to allow for the user to update any details needed to add to the trip. Some fields may be required and a Manual Save is required or the trip will be lost.

TripLog Drive

TripLog Drive Explanation

The TripLog drive is a USB powered GPS Logging Device. It is an upgrade from our TripLog Beacon device as it has all the same functionality of the Beacon to Trigger Tracking, Wake the app from closed and assign mileage to specific vehicles. In addition to those features it also has it's own built-in GPS and storage. In the default mode Real-Time GPS tracking the app will hand off GPS location duties to the Drive itself to reduce the time your GPS needs to be active on the phone. If for some reason there is no connection to the app the drive will detect power and track to itself in Offline mode. When it connects to the app again it will continue to track in RealTime mode as well as download the Offline trips from it's built in storage.

TripLog Drive Steps (How It Works) : RealTime Tracking

RealTime Tracking : Live Tracked

Turn on the Vehicle and the TripLog Drive receives power (Connects to Phone)

TripLog Drive wakes the app in the Background

TripLog Drive Tracking in Standby (Waiting the Timeout for Movement)

Begin Driving (Exceed the Speed Threshold within the Timeout) = Start Point

Driving (As long as the TripLog Drive is powered on Tracking continues) = Driving Route

Stop and Turn off Vehicle (Drive disconnects) = End Point

No Drive Power On (Buffer Period Exceeded) = Save Trip

RealTime Tracking : Offline Tracked (Phone not Present)

Turn on the Vehicle and the TripLog Drive receives power (No Connection to Phone)

TripLog Drive Tracking in Standby (Waiting the Timeout for Movement)

Begin Driving (Exceed the Speed Threshold within the Timeout) = Start Point

Driving (As long as the TripLog Drive is powered on Tracking continues) = Driving Route

Stop and Turn off Vehicle (Drive disconnects) = End Point

No Drive Power On (Buffer Period Exceeded) = Save Trip

Reconnect to App = Download Trips in background automatically. Trips tagged as Offline Tracking

Requirements and Settings

Required Permissions

All Included App Permissions as discussed in the Permissions Course

Location = Allow Always /Allow All the Time For the TripLog Drive to work correctly the Location permission does need to be Allowed Always or Allowed All the Time. Even if the app passes the GPS function to the Drive the OS is still collecting the location and the app continues to need that permission. The OS will occasionally remind you that the app is using your location. Be sure to continue to Allow Always or All the Time

Nearby Devices or Bluetooth Access is required for the ability to monitor the bluetooth connection for the connection to the previously configured devices. This may prompt at the beginning but should also be available in the device settings.

Background Access and Battery Saver/Optimizations Background Access and Battery Optimizations need to be allowed so the app is allowed to continue to run in the background.

TripLog Drive Settings

First Time Selection Message when selecting TripLog Drive AutoStart

TripLog Drive Settings Menu



TripLog Drive Default Settings and Descriptions




Select TripLog Drive Device

The first connected Drive will be automatically configured

List of connected and previously connected TripLog Beacon devices

Tracking Mode

Transmit data to the app in real-time

Select the operation of the Drives connected to the app. Real-Time collection or Offline Mode

Link Bluetooth Devices to Vehicles (Android Only)

Automatically Link the Default Vehicle to the first Drive

Link the vehicle setup in TripLog to determine where the mileage will be associated when automatically captured. Link Vehicles is combined in iOS under Select Devices

Speed Threshold

5 mph

Speed Threshold for triggering tracking. During the Timeout Period the app will monitor movement and begin tracking if exceeded. Android Only: There is a Start Immediately setting that will allow tracking to begin no matter the speed threshold and on bluetooth connection.

Timeout Minutes


Duration of the timer from initial Drive connection to the end of monitoring for movement. Longer is better in most cases. If there is no movement during the timeout Movement monitoring will end. You will need to reset the connection to restart. You can reset this by toggling BT on/off or unplugging and plugging back in the Drive.

Detailed Notifications


This will determine the ability for the app to offer additional notifications to indicate trip start and stop as well as other notifications like when the app is in standby or there is no movement and the trip will end soon. You can globally control the audio cues from your phones device but this will control the majority of the notifications.

Show Edit Trip After Auto Stop

Off (Android Only Feature)

This will open the app to allow for the user to update any details needed to add to the trip. Some fields may be required and a Manual Save is required or the trip will be lost.

TripLog Drive Offline Mode

TripLog Drive Steps (How It Works) : Offline Mode

Turn on the Vehicle and the TripLog Drive receives power

TripLog Drive Tracking in Standby (Waiting the Timeout for Movement)

Begin Driving (Exceed the Speed Threshold within the Timeout) = Start Point

Driving (As long as the TripLog Drive is powered on Tracking continues) = Driving Route

Stop and Turn off Vehicle = End Point

No Drive Power On (Buffer Period Exceeded) = Save Trip

When Connected to Phone = Trips are downloaded with interface

Required Permissions

All Included App Permissions as discussed in the Permissions Course

Nearby Devices or Bluetooth Access is required for the ability to monitor the bluetooth connection for the connection to the previously configured devices. This may prompt at the beginning but should also be available in the device settings.

Background Access and Battery Saver/Optimizations Background Access and Battery Optimizations need to be allowed so the app is allowed to continue to run in the background.

How to Download Offline Trips

  1. Click the Green Start Button

  2. Select Download

  3. Choose to Connect to TripLog Drive (ensure it is powered on)

  4. Confirm the Reminder Message to Keep the Drive Powered On

  5. Start Download

  6. Once Completed Confirm and Close

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