Integrate with SAP Concur®
Connecting Your Concur Account
This process needs to be completed before your first upload. To ensure your app receives the proper settings be sure to manually sync.
(Manual Sync : TripLog App > Main Menu ( ≡ three line icon ) > Your Plan (Click on the Email) > Data Backup > Sync Between Device and Cloud > Merge Data)
Sign in to Concur
When clicking the Connect to SAP Concur it will redirect you to the Concur Sign-in site. Enter your email that is linked to your Concur account.
After Entering your email and Clicking Next you will be able to choose your sign in option.
Sign In with SAP Concur Password
You can choose to sign in to your Concur Account by entering the Password for your SAP Concur account
Sign In with SAP Email Link
You can choose to have Concur send you a validation email to link your account through email.
Uploading Trips and Expenses to Concur
Log in to TripLog web account, click “Connect > Concur > Upload” on the menu bar, then filter trips and expenses by date range and/or activity.
If this is your first time, click the green “Connect to Concur” button (top right portion of the page) and then log in to your Concur account with your Concur username and password to allow TripLog access.
Refine the search criteria using the search area on the left side of the page to select parameters for the mileage, tolls, parking, expenses, etc; you wish to upload to Concur. Note that only the mileage and expenses that appears on the page will be uploaded to Concur.
Once you are satisfied with the mileage and expenses that appear on the page, click “Upload to Concur”.
Select the Concur Report you want the trips and expenses to be uploaded to, and then click the “Upload” button.
TripLog will upload trips as Personal Car Mileage along with tolls, parking, and other expenses as QuickExpense. TripLog will also upload associated receipt images.
Please then log in to your Concur account, navigate to the Report, and review the mileage entries. Click the “Import” button to review other expense entries and import them into the Report.
Uploading From the Web Dashboard
Once Connected you will be able to upload existing Trips to Concur.
Select the items in the filter – Tax Year – Month – Activities
Click Upload to Concur
Select an Expense Report or Create a New Report
Click the Upload Button
Uploading From the App
When uploading from the Application it will show you both uploaded and un-uploaded items. You can then choose to upload to the existing Expense Report or create a new report.
TripLog App Main Menu ( ≡ )
Select the Concur Menu
Select Month
Select Business
Verify Summary
Create New Report
Name the Report
Click Ok
You will get a reminder message that Trips that are already uploaded will not be processed again but new uploads will be added to the report.
Viewing Your Trips In Concur
Find your report that you just created in you Expense List. It should be the newest item created unless added to an existing report.
What Comes Over to Concur when uploading?
You can view a summary of the trip as well as a link to the driving route if there is one recorded in the comment.
Populated by TripLog in the Expense Item:
Expense Type as Personal Car Mileage unless defined as a mileage category
Transaction Date : TripLog Event Date
Business Purpose : Will contain the Trip Activity, Notes and Tags
From Location : Named Location with Address in parenthesis.
To Location : Named Location with Address in parenthesis
Distance : In Units Recorded
Amount : Based on Units times the set rate in Concur
Submitting your Expense Report
Review your items and submit it through your normal process. If there are any issues on the Concur side please remember to contact your internal Concur administrator as we cannot assist you with those issues.
Possible errors and correcting them.
Error 500 : Expired Token
If there is an EXPIRED TOKEN message when trying to upload please disconnect and reconnect your Concur account as the authentication has expired. We try to maintain this but changes in the system can cause this to occur.
Not mapping correctly: If you are outside of the US then the default behavior may be different. Tiered rates may associate to a single expense during upload due to the additional calculation. If that happens it will still associate to the Mileage expense account or create one as it is not commonly used in those instances.
Re-uploading to Concur
If you need to upload already uploaded mileage to your Concur integration you can filter for "Uploaded" on the upload page on the web. You can hover on the uploaded check and choose CLEAR. This will allow the record to be uploaded again. This might occur if you selected an already closed expense report. If this is the case the recommendation is to Create A New Report in the dropdown to have just the TripLog items go through.