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Driving Safety

How to enable and use Driving Safety

Updated over a week ago

Driving Safety

Driving Safety is an optional feature that can be enabled on the TripLog app versions released after May 2020. Driving Safety feature tracks certain unsafe events that happen during trips to give the user a reference about their driving habits. This information is not reported to any third parties, but is visible to the drivers themselves and to their managers if they have one.

Please note, the accuracy of the data collected heavily relies on the mobile device GPS and other sensors. So it can only be used as an indicator for reference purpose.

Driving Safety is available in these Tracking Options:

  • MagicTrip

  • TripLog Drive – Real Time Tracking (Offline mode is not compatible with Driving Safety)

  • TripLog Beacon

  • Car Bluetooth

  • Plug N Go

  • Manual GPS Tracking

Driving Safety Alerts:

  • Rapid Acceleration Events

  • Hard Brake Events

  • Phone Calls During Driving

  • Speeding Over Fixed Limit (Available in Professional Plus or Enterprise and set by the administrators)

Enable Driving Safety Feature by Drivers

TripLog App > Main Menu ( ≡ three line icon ) > Auto Tracking On > Track Driving Safety > Toggle On > Accept Notification

Enable Driving Safety Feature by Admins

Admin users can set the Fixed Speeding Limit value on the Manage Settings page. Please note this feature is only available Professional Plus and Enterprise accounts.
Admin users also have the ability to Force Enable or Disable behavior tracking for all users.

Speeding Over Set Limit: The Speeding Event is Created when the user goes over the set limit in Manage Settings for more than 15 seconds. The event will display the duration of the event and the max speed during the event. The event also set the severity based on the measurements in the appendix.

Currently when events occur, the Admin will view them on the Web Dashboard in the Trip Map View.

View Driving Safety Events on Mobile Apps

After certain unsafe events are detected during trip tracking, they will be displayed on each trip’s map view. Tap on the event icon to show the details.

View Driving Safety Events on Web Dashboard

The events can be viewed on the Web Dashboard using the top nav bar > Maps > Driving Safety.

Filter Options

Tax Year: Select tax Year or Custom time period
Secondary Date Filter : Additional Filter for Month or Quarter
Alert Type: All, Rapid Acceleration, Hard brake, Phone Call or Speeding Over Limit (if available)
Severity: All Severities, High, Medium or Low

The Items will be shown on the map where the event ended with details about the event in the waypoint. Hover mouse over icon for details about the event. The icon will show a Yellow or Red dot based on severity. Yellow indicates Low, and Red indicates Medium or High.

To Export the Driving Safety Events

If you would like an exported document of the driving safety events, navigate to the Mileage > Trips page. Select the trips in the time period you would like and choose Export > Driving Safety. This will export a CSV file with the events by driver, date and time, type, severity and description with location.

Appendix: Driving Safety Alert Measurements

These are the calculations used for how the alerts are generated.

Rapid Acceleration Alert Thresholds (Measurement in meters per second squared, or m/s^2)

  • Low : Over 3.92 m/s^2

  • Medium : Over 4.7 m/s^2

  • High : Over 5.5 m/s^2

Hard Braking Alert Thresholds (Measurement in meters per second squared, or m/s^2)

  • Low : Over -4.1 m/s^2 (rapid deceleration)

  • Medium : Over -5.0 m/s^2

  • High : Over -5.9 m/s^2

Calls During Driving Alert Thresholds (Duration in Minutes)

  • Low : Incoming – over 1 minute. Outgoing – over 0 minutes.

  • Medium : Incoming – over 2 minute. Outgoing – over 1 minutes.

  • High : Incoming – over 5 minute. Outgoing – over 5 minutes.

Speeding Over Set Limit
Alert is triggered at 15 seconds over the limit set and measures the full duration over the limit. The peak speed sets the severity.

  • Low : 1 – 5 mph over the set limit

  • Medium : 6 – 10 mph over the set limit

  • High : 11+ mph over the set limit

Please note that accounts using KM as the unit of measure the conversion is comparable meaning if a range is shown in Miles it is the equivalent in KM/h. Acceleration values are the same.

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