Video Walkthrough - Expense Submission and Receipt Required Correction
Submitting Expenses on the TripLog App
These steps are universal to the submission process across the TripLog app for Mileage, Expense, and Time. This process includes the error correction for Spending Limits or Submission requirements set by your company Admin.
Submitting Expenses
Open the Main Menu ( โก ) and Select Submission
On the Submission Screen
Select your Submission TYPE (Mileage, Expense. or Time)
Select your time frame (Year, Month, Period, or Custom Date Range)
Select your Activity (All, Business, Personal, or Other Activities)
After the Filter updates, validate your totals and Click SUBMIT.
Add any relevant notes to the submission and Click OK
Submission Successful
If the submission succeeds, the items will update to show the Submitted Status. When Approved or Processed this status will be updated.
Submission Failed
If the submission failed due to a Spend Limit or Receipts required violation the issue will be displayed to the user to indicate how to correct it.
Correcting Submission Errors
TripLog Spending Limits include controls for Transactions based on your company's requirements. These can be limits for totals by Transaction, Time Period, or Submission. Other items could be required for submission, examples include Attached Receipts, Tags, Notes, or Custom Fields. The activity may also be required depending on your company's requirements. You will need to contact your company admin if you have specific questions about your policy or errors.
Example Violations
The transaction is over the Transaction Limit and cannot be submitted. The item will need to be removed from the submission
The transaction requires an attached receipt to be submitted. To correct it attach a receipt to the affected transaction then resubmit it.
The transaction requires an attached receipt to be submitted. To correct it attach a receipt to the affected transaction then resubmit it.
While these examples may apply to your situation it is not exhaustive and you will need to check with your company Admin or Supervisor for direction of how to handle items with Violations.
Submitting Expenses on the TripLog Web Dashboard
Submitting the Expenses
Navigate to your expense items on the Web Dashboard.
Selecting the Submission Items
You can choose the items to submit by selecting the checkbox next to the record. Or you can filter to the set of items you want to select and choose the Select All at the top left of the chart. Then go to the Submission Menu and Select Submit.
When you click submit a confirmation window should pop up and allow you to add comments to the approver. Update the notes and click Submit.
Once Submitted a confirmation window will pop up and state that the records have been Submitted and an email notification sent to the approver.
Submission Errors
When viewing errors or violations on the web a summary of the violations in the submission are at the top of the page and items are specifically called out by a Yellow or Red indicator for the issue with that item. Hovering on the icon will indicate what the violation is. In this example, it is missing a receipt that is required for submission.
Correcting the Errors
Open the item and attach the receipt to be able to resubmit. If there are multiple issues with the submission they will be highlighted on this page. If you accidentally refresh this page simply attempt the submission again to get the violation details. The submission will not be sent at all. Once corrected, select the desired items and submit the batch again. If there are persistent issues or violations you are unsure of how to resolve please contact your company administrator or approving supervisor for direction on how to resolve the violation.