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Trips - Split Trip Tool Walkthrough

TripLog tool for splitting GPS recorded trips

Updated over a week ago

If you need to split a GPS recorded trip that may have not have registered a stop or you forgot to end a Manually GPS tracked trip there may be a possibility for a Split Trip. This will create two independent trips with the trip route connected to the trips that are made.

Identify where to split your trip

When you have a trip that you need to split the requirement is that there are 3 or more waypoints (white/blue dots) and have the driving route (blue line). These are associated with GPS/Live tracked trips. Manually entered or copied trips do not have this options.

With this Example Trip we have the Split Trip button available and I have highlighted the area I want to split the trip. You cannot select the first or last way point to split the trip.

Clicking on the Split Trip will open a large detailed Map to allow me to navigate to and select the correct waypoint. The message pop up can safely be closed.

Once you select the way point to split at there will be a confirmation that you want to continue to split the trip. This waypoint will be the beginning of the resulting new trip that is created.

The end result will be two trips with the portions of the trip starting and ending at the newly defined waypoint. In this case of the Trips Page view the earlier leg is the lower trip and the most recent leg of the trip is at the top. Note that one of the trips will show as a copied trip so you may need to add notes if submitting it as part of an orginization.

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